Národní informační centrum pro evropský výzkum


Evropská partnerská burza SMI2G Paříž


Draft_Agenda_SMI2G_2023 (1).pdf


Preliminary proposal name.pptx

Pitch Training Session.pdf

Sdílet akci na sociální sítě:


10.05.2023 - 11.05.2023


Paříž, Francie

SMI2G je nejvýznamnější akce pro vznik řešitelských týmů pro výzvy evropského bezpečnostního výzkumu programu Horizont Evropa, Klastr 3.

Akce proběhne 10. - 11. května v Paříži a je pořádána významnými evropskými organizacemi a zájmovými skupinami. Každoročně se jí účastní až 500 účastníků. Akce není on-line.

Doporučujeme registrovat se co nejdříve. Vaše účast musí být potvrzena pořadatelem. Přednost mají zájemci, kteří budou mít kvalitní prezentaci. Pro přípravu prezentace vám nabízíme podporu, Registrujte se s prezentací do pátku 21. dubna.

Pracovní program s výzvami 2023-2024 naleznete zde

Jsme k dispozici pro další informace a pomoc. Neváhejte nás  kontaktovat: Hillerova@tc.cz, Svejcarova@tc.cz

The SMI2G brokerage event gathers European-wide innovators and practitioners who are looking for further consortium partners by presenting game-changing ideas and novel technologies addressing the challenges of Horizon Europe’s Civil Security for Society 2023 Work Programme

The SMI2G brokerage event is organized by:  The EARTO Working Group Security and Defence research, the SEREN network, EOS, IMG-S, ECSO, CMINE and is supported by the Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, Campus Condorcet and ENLETS

Every year, SMI2G hosts top-level keynote speakers, expert panel discussions as well as ground-breaking pitch sessions related to the respective calls.  As a result, the event offers participants significant networking opportunities, supporting consortium building efforts and the sharing of valuable information concerning the Horizon Europe Security Calls.

To attend in person.

Simply register through this page and your request will be acknowledged. Your tickets will be confirmed as quickly as possible, allowing enough time for you to book travel and accommodation.  We recommend that you don't incur travel costs until your tickets are issued. Registration will close when maximum numbers are reached.

 If you'd like to present a pitch at the event...

On registration, you will be asked if you'd like to submit a presentation (known as a pitch)
Given the limitations in the number of participants, the Organising Committee may have to select presenters based on the quality of their submitted pitch proposals.
Please find the instructions for sending your pitches and the presentation template available as a download attached to this notice.
The facility for submitting pitch presentations is limited to those we have time for so the faster you submit, the more chance there is of yours being included.
You'll be notified if your request has been accepted within a few days
The deadline for receipt of registrations will be announced shortly
Presentations by potential coordinators will be preferred. Presentations by different organisations (rather than multiple presentations by a single organisation) will also be preferred.
Selected keynote presentations and round-table panel discussions will be live streamed.
For virtual attendance, register through this page and select that option. Stream details will be sent to you nearer the time.
Registration is now open till the maximum capacity per day of the event is reached.
The SMI2G Event remains free of charge for all participants, thanks to the financial support of the organisations AIT and the French Ministry of Research, and the projects CYCLOPES, MEDEA, NOTIONES, FIRE-IN, DAREnet, i-LEAD and CyberSEAS.
Please note that no certificates of attendance or participation will be issued.




Pořadatel: The EARTO Working Group Security and Defence research, The SEREN5 network, EOS, IMG-S, ECSO, CMINE, the Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, Campus Condorcet, ENLETS

E-mail na pořadatele: enquiries@smi2g.eu

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Rámcový program 2028 - 2034