National Information Centre for European Research


The Future of Food Conference 2021

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30/11/2021 9:30 AM - 01/12/2021 4:00 PM


Brussels (hybrid event)

EIT Food's annual event, returns this year uder the title Future of Food 2021 as a hybrid event: virtually on 30 November 2021 with a limited in-person element taking place in Brussels, and a fully virtual format on 1 December 2021. Two months after the UN Food Systems Summit, the conference will take stock of the Summit’s outcomes and it will look at the role of the EU in implementing its commitments. Bringing together EU policymakers, EIT Food partners, stakeholders active in food innovation, education, entrepreneurship and consumer engagement, as well as industry, farmer and consumer associations, the conference will provide a high-level platform to discuss future trends and priorities in food innovation in Europe. Other topics address the role of younger generations in transforming food systems, challenges and solutions in areas such as: soil health and regenerative agriculture; aquaculture; circular food systems and sustainable food labelling. The program will include sessions on the impact of information on consumer trust in food and on education, with a special focus on vocational education and training. Participation is free of charge, but registration is mandatory.

Organizer: EIT Food

Organizer e-mail:

Organizer phone: +44 (0) 2920 783 076

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