National Information Centre for European Research


Branch of activities of the Czech enterprises participating in Framework Programmes


As of September 15, 2022, the Czech Republic reported 76 participations of entities with the legal form of a private for-profit company (hereinafter referred to as "enterprises") in the Horizon Europe programme. The total amount of the European Union's contribution to these enterprises was €26.5 million. Only participants with type beneficiary who have signed agreement with the European Commission or are preparing to sign it are included.

Branches of activity of enterprises that participated in EU framework programmes for research and innovation have not been yet examined in detail. The field of main activity according to the CZ-NACE classification was chosen as the main point of view. The data sources were first the Register of Economic Subjects of the Czech Statistical Office (as of May 31, 2022) and the current shape of the MagnusWeb database operated by Dun & Bradstreet Czech Republic, a.s. Since certain differences were identified between these databases in the fields of main activity of enterprises participating in the framework programmes, and at the same time there were also differences between these databases and the web sites of enterprises, the author of this contribution leaned towards his own assignment of the fields of main activity according to the CZ-NACE categorization from the enterprise internet presentations and their annual reports.

Out of the 21 sections of the CZ-NACE classification, Manufacturing, Information and communication and Professional, scientific and technical activities were the main activities of participating enterprises. Circa 80% of the enterprises' participations in Horizon Europe, Horizon 2020 and the 7th Framework Programme fell in those sections.



In the manufacturing industry, the last three framework programmes were dominated by enterprises focused on the production of computers, electronic and optical products. In the case of Horizon Europe, the second most frequently represented industrial sector was the production of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, in the Horizon 2020 programme and the 7th framework programme, the production of machines and equipment not elsewhere classified (i.e. other engineering) and the production of chemicals and chemical preparations.

Information and communication activities were completely dominated by companies operating in the computer programming, consultancy and related activities.

In professional, scientific and technical activities, it is possible to observe certain developments between the framework programmes. In the 7th framework programme in this section, enterprises with main activities in scientific research and development and architectural and engineering activities and technical testing and analysis were most represented. In the Horizon 2020 programme, the highest participation was shown by enterprises focused on management consultancy activities, i.e. various consulting and advisory firms and firms focused on project application processing and project administration. Such enterprises in the Horizon 2020 programme represented about one third of the participation in this section. In the Horizon Europe programme, enterprises focused on scientific research and development, architectural and engineering activities and technical testing and analysis and management consultancy are so far similarly represented.

More detailed information will be provided by a separate analysis being prepared.


Author: Vladimír Vojtěch, CAS TC,




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