National Information Centre for European Research


Info-day for Cluster 2 'Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society' call 2022

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07/12/2021 9:30 AM - 08/12/2021 4:45 PM


Brussels - online

The European Commission announced an info-day for Horizon Europe Cluster 2 to be held virtually on 7 December 2021.

The info-day will present the research topics proposed under the Work programme 2022 of the Horizon Europe Cluster 2 for Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society. The programme will give the opportunity to prospective applicants to learn more about the funding options in 2022. The information provided will cover upcoming calls on innovative research on “Democracy and Governance”, “European Cultural Heritage and the Cultural and Creative Industries”, as well as “Social and Economic Transformations”.

For a detailed agenda, participation information and practical details, visit the event website.

brokerage event will be organised on 8 December 2021 to connect interested partners.

Organizer: European commission

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