National Information Centre for European Research


Brunch for early stage female researcheres with Danuší Nerudová

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10/08/2021 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM


National Contact Centre Gender and Science of the Institute of Sociology of the CAS invites early stage female researchers to a traditional summer event, which will take place on August 10, 2021 in Villa Lanna from 9:30 to 12:30 and will offer the opportunity to establish contacts, share experiences and meet with an inspiring woman from the academic sphere, this time with the rector of Mendel University in Brno, Danuše Nerudová. The latter will talk, for example, about the obstacles that she is the first rector of this more than century-old institution and at the same time the mother of two small children overcomes, or about her considered candidacy for president. More information is available on the NKC gender and science website.

Organizer: NKC gender a věda

Organizer e-mail:

Organizer phone: +420 731 345 836

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