National Information Centre for European Research

Cluster 4 - Digital, Industry and Space

Progress in digital and industrial technologies, including in space, shape all sectors of the economy and society. They transform the way industry develops, produces new products and services, and are central to any sustainable future. The main priorities  of Cluster 4 defined by strategic planning of the next Framework programme 

  • Transformation of European industry enabling a clean, climate-neutral, circular, resilient  and competitive economy 
  • Strengthening leading position and strategic autonolmy in Key Enabling Technologies
  • Deploying technologies and innovation that serve citizens

are translated into expected impacts of Cluster 4 and are implemented in 6 Destinations of its work programme 

  1.  Climate neutral, circular and digitised production
  2. Increased autonomy in key strategic value chains for resilient industry
  3. World leading data and computing technologies
  4. Digital and emerging technologies for competitiveness and fit for the Green Deal
  5. Open strategic autonomy in developing, deploying and using global space-based infrastructures, services, applications and data
  6. A human-centred and ethical development of digital and industrial technologies

The first two Destinations are relevant to the industrial part of Cluster 4 and Destinations 3 and 4 to the its digital part. Destination 5 is dedicated to the development of Space technologies, while Destination 6 has a more cross-cutting nature and will serve promoting human-centred and ethical aspects of Cluster 4 technologies.


Basic information about teh Horizopn Europe programme can be found on the EC web and for Cluster 4 in particilar here.




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