National Information Centre for European Research


A KIC on CCSI is to empower network opportunities, collaboration, co-creation and knowhow transfer between education, research, business, public and third-sector organisations, within the cultural and creative sectors and with other sectors of the society and the economy. It is intended to:

  • catalyse bottom-up and top-down initiatives at Union, national and regional level. It will develop the necessary framework conditions for the creation and scale-up of new ventures in innovative ecosystems;
  • provide researchers and students in many disciplines (including the arts, humanities, social sciences, applied hard sciences and business) and entrepreneurs of the cultural and creative industries and other sectors with the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver innovative solutions and to turn them into new cultural, societal and business opportunities; and
  • allow further cross-fertilisation with other economic and industrial sectors, acting as an accelerator for innovation.


A KIC on CCSI can bring a horizontal solution to an array of rising challenges, which are of a permanent nature and may be addressed through education, research and innovation activities. Those challenges may be grouped into four pillars:

  1. European creativity, cultural and linguistic diversity;
  2. European identity and cohesion;
  3. European employment, economic resilience and smart growth; and
  4. Europe as a global actor.


More information on KIC CCSI is to be found on the EIT web here.



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