Národní informační centrum pro evropský výzkum


Zájem izraelských výzkumníků o účast v projektech týkajících se odhalování zločinu, korupce, obchodu s lidmi atd.

26. 5. 2022

Izraelský výzkumný tým z Univerzity Bar-Ilan nabízí svou expertizu v oblastech:  forenzní věda, obchodování s lidmi, odhalování zločinu, nelegální drogy, korupce. 

Rádi by se zapojili do konsorcií připravovaných do 4 vybraných témat s uzávěrkou 23. listopadu 2022. 

HORIZON-CL3-2022-FCT-01-02: Better understanding the influence of organisational cultures and human interactions in the forensic context as well as a common lexicon
HORIZON-CL3-2022-FCT-01-05: Effective fight against corruption
HORIZON-CL3-2022-FCT-01-06: Effective fight against illicit drugs production and trafficking
HORIZON-CL3-2022-FCT-01-07: Effective fight against trafficking in human beings

Nabídka konkrétních aktivity týmu izraelských vědců:
1. Investigative Interviewing in police and intelligence; including rapport building, interviewing methods for cooperative and non-cooperative interviewees, strategies used by guilty and innocent suspects during the police interview, memory and cognitive processes involved in the interview and its influence on the interview process.

2. Detection of deception in the forensic context; especially by using content cues (i.e., verbal lie detection). Development of tools for lie detection and the examination of their effectivity in different field challenges and settings (e.g., police interview settings, airport settings).

3. Legal and investigative decision-making and judgmental biases; The process of deciding on the guiltiness of a suspect or on the veracity of a statement (e.g., an alibi). This also includes the judgmental biases made by experts (e.g. court judges, police officers), and the judgmental mistakes resulting from these biases.

4. Detection of concealed information; Psychophysiological and psychological methods to detect whether an interviewee knows details about a crime that only the criminal should know.

5. Applied memory; applications of memory that are relevant to investigative interviewing and deception processes.

6. Criminal Psychology; Profiling applications and strategies related to the investigative interviewing processes

7. Training and curricula development (related to the topics above)

8. Networks development (related to the topics above)

9. Ethics in research and content
Pro více informací a pro zprostředkování kontaktů neváhejte oslovit NCP pro Klastr 3 Lenku Švejcarovou (svejcarova@tc.cz, +420 725 539 546).

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