Národní informační centrum pro evropský výzkum


European Excellence Initiative (EEI)




54 M€



Datum otevření:


Datum uzavření:

12.04.2023 17:00

Main objectives

— Raise excellence in science and in value creation through deeper and geographically inclusive cooperation in alliances of HEIs, such as – but not limited to – European Universities alliances in Erasmus+, with a particular focus on Widening countries

— Improve global competitiveness and visibility of Europe's HEIs, creating critical mass in key areas such as the green transition and Horizon Europe mission areas.

Projects are expected to contribute to the following outcomes:

  • Successful institutional reform and upgrade of higher education institutions in the R&I dimension (empowerment to be actors of change), through integrated collaboration between institutions and with other actors in local ecosystems;
  • Mainstreamed culture of excellence in science and value creation amongst higher education institutions, and particularly in less research-intensive institutions and countries, in particular Widening countries, through consolidation of geographically inclusive alliances of higher education institutions, achieving long-term collaboration;
  • Contribution to accelerated institutional reform in R&I dimension and strengthened R&I capacities in higher education institutions, notably those located in Widening countries, in particular;
    • Modernised research careers in higher education sector, interoperable with other sectors;
    • Accelerated digital transition of the R&I dimension of the higher education sector across the entire ERA;
  • Increased global competitiveness of research in higher education institutions by strongly increased critical mass in terms of upskilling, knowledge creation and knowledge circulation in the green transition and other key European policy areas such as European Missions;
  • Contribution to implementation of the relevant ERA Policy Agenda actions in higher education sector.


European Excellence Initiative (EEI)

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